Family Sensory Bedroom

2 Bedroom Suite

 Irelands First Custom Built, Static Sensory Bedroom!


Our Team at the Pillo Hotel are so proud to be the first hotel in Ireland to have designed and installed a custom, static Sensory Bedroom, with the help of the incredible Sensory House Team. This has been designed to help accommodate our customers that identify as neuro-divergent and sometimes require a quiet area to help self-regulate away from the hyper-stimulation of everyday life. 


This room is a 2 Bedroom Suite, which can accommodate up to 2 adults and 4 kids. Our vision was to create a nook-for-the-senses within this room, and that's exactly what we achieved. The clever use of different texturescolours, sounds, lights and bubbles will intrigue all five senses while have a calming effect of the body and mind.  


To book our Sensory Family Bedroom please contact our Reservations Team directly on 018350800 or email

Please note we will require:

Arrival Date & Number of Adults & children

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